That Foreign Feeling
The struggle with mental health, grief, or loss may be something you deal with on a daily basis or something you have never felt before. You may not know what you are feeling exactly, but you know something is different. You may not be able to explain it or understand it. All of these feelings are what we call ‘That Foreign Feeling’.
That Foreign Feeling
Mental Health Disparities
The Butterfly Path
Season 2
Episode 7
We’re so glad you’re here at That Foreign Feeling, joining us for our second season, Episode 7. On this episode you get to hear from all 4 hosts, Niccy, Anna, Grace, and Steph. Today’s topic is mental health in different demographics. Mental health affects all of us differently and that especially holds true depending on our age group, location, etc. We give some great insight into resources available at our local homeless shelter, chat about how rural farming communities and our older generations are affected, take a slight rabbit trail onto library lane and what they have to offer, and round out our visit with thoughts on the progression of mental health. We’d love to hear from anyone that is versed in the topic of mental health in different demographics and what your thoughts are, check out our show notes on how to contact us! Thanks for tuning in!
Grace Place in New Richmond, WI
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